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Updated: Sep 26, 2023

Home remedies that can aid to boost blood circulation and health

8 Ways to Boost Blood Circulation

Whenever we try to be healthy, we usually think of exercising, having a balanced diet or getting enough sleep. We tend to forget about improving and maintaining a good blood circulation. This is essential to overall health.


Boosting your blood circulation ensures that blood and oxygen continuously flow throughout the body, allowing every organ to function properly. Aside from that, it keeps your brain sharp, helps in healing wounds, keeps your heart healthy, and even gives your skin complexion a natural flush. Having poor blood circulation, on the other hand, results to plaque build-up or the development of arterial blockages. If this worsens, it can lead to heart attack or stroke.

We all know that doing regular exercise is on top of the list when we think of the ways to improve blood circulation. But in the kind of lifestyle we have today, this can be a challenge


1. Aim for a 30-minute Walk

If you’re not into doing a strenuous exercise, walking is a type of work out you can do to improve circulation. It can benefit both the arteries and veins in our body. According to Dr. Misty Humphries of vascular surgery in Sacramento, C.A., the arteries dilate when patients walk, and improve blood flow all throughout the body.

So, make it a point to schedule a 30-minute walk at least thrice a week to keep that blood pumping.

Take a walk to boost blood circulation
Walking in the Park

2. Avoid Prolonged Sitting

Blood flow slows down whenever we’re sitting. This sedentary position can cause blood to pool in our legs, resulting to muscle pain and fatigue. When we’re at work, we tend to sit for a long period. That is why; we often suffer from sore hip and back.

Get into a habit of alternating between sitting, standing and walking in order to keep your stress levels balanced and maintain a healthy blood flow.

Don't sit too long to help blood circulation
Sitting too long

3. Add Fruits and Veggies to Your Diet

It’s not enough to just cut carbs. Adding fruits and vegetables to your meal plan helps in lowering blood pressure and steering away from plaque formation. It also provides more nitrates and other compounds which our bodies use to create nitric oxide—a chemical compound that boosts blood flow by relaxing the blood vessels.

Leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, swiss chard, bok choy and arugula, and fruits such as watermelon and pomegranates are among the foods that are high in nitric oxide converters.

Proper food for good blood circulation

4. Stay Hydrated

Blood consists of about half water, so getting enough H2O helps in improving its movement throughout the body. When we’re dehydrated, our blood retains more sodium, causing it to thicken and making it harder to circulate.

According to U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the adequate daily water intake is 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women.

Stay hydrated to have that blood circulating

5. Get Rid of Any Vices

Smoking and alcohol consumption always come to mind when talking about vices. Smoking causes plaque build-up, and can ultimately lead to peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Drinking alcohol above the recommended daily intake, on the other hand, puts additional stress on your veins.

Quitting these activities can be a challenge but doing so will do wonders for our bodies.

Quit bad habits

6. Drink Green Tea

Besides being a powerful natural remedy to ease the discomfort of a bloated stomach, drinking green tea also helps improve blood vessel function. This herbal beverage contains a number of beneficial compounds, including antioxidants and catechins, which may help break up plaque and prevent the narrowing of blood vessels.

Green tea  for a greener life

7. Elevate Your Legs

Whenever we’re sitting or standing, it’s even harder for the veins to pump blood back to the heart as it works against gravity. Even so, the heart still does its job and pumps blood to the body’s extremities. But elevating your legs above heart level reduces its stress and improves blood flow tremendously.

Doing this for 15 minutes or more at a time brings fresh and oxygenated blood and mitigates swelling on the lower portion of the body. You can elevate your legs during your most convenient time, while watching TV or having a nap.


8. Wear Compression Socks

Compression socks helps improve blood flow in your legs and prevent swelling and even blood clots. It’s an added layer of support to the veins as these dilate from prolonged sitting and/or standing. These can become varicose veins if left untreated. Wearing of compression socks for a longer period can help prevent this from happening.

Compression socks

Recommendations: Medical Socks



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